Monday, January 5, 2009

Excess amidst simplicity

Sales, Sales, Sales. The holiday sales have truly been tremendous and remain so. Still I am struggling to tame my need for MORE. Seriously Nina (what I will call myself), how many lip glosses do you need. I am enticed by 50% OFF buy one get one....hell I'm enticed by regularly priced items. Because I am on a journey of sorts and I am out of work effective---let's just say soon---I need to tame myself. The reality is on most days I feel overwhelmed yet underwhelmed by all of the choices. Which eye shadow, which mascara, which lip gloss? Is this really a question worthy of contemplation.....okay yes but the point is I have more than enough and I want to downsize. The desire for things is voracious and is unlike who I desire to be. Lately UPS shows up so much I'm thinking my driver lives here or should at least have a key. The thing is, more important than lip gloss (and I ADORE lip gloss) is driving across my favorite bridge on a sunny day or watching the waves crash ashore. Little nuances that shift your focus can sometimes move you further away from who you are and where you're going. I want to take this time to reflect and grow and learn from myself and those around me. I want to challenge my relationships to become deeper more intimate affairs. I want to step outside of my skin and began anew so I have to stop feeding the excess monster even though that is what I know. Nina I challenge you to tell yourself no sometimes. No to the fifteenth body butter, no to the new lip gloss, no to the latest eye shadow. It's not about deprivation, it's about inviting you to learn to do without or do with you already own in abundance. Yes is not off the table; it's just no longer the main course.

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